Be Connected Coaching

Hi, I’m Pamela. Welcome! How are you managing life? Are you looking for tools to better manage change? Build your resilience to handle life in an easier way? Would you like to up-level your interactions and relationships??

Let’s talk about how I can help. I work with individuals, leaders & business teams who are ready to take their interactions, mental approaches and lives to the next level.

At the heart of my work is a belief that the more you know about yourself, the more you can choose your actions. Day by day and step by step. I’ve experienced it myself and guided others to tools, insights, mindfulness and focus enabling a more resilient, peaceful & productive life.

Ready to take the next step?

No matter where you are in your journey, I am here to help.  To listen, to guide, to tackle what’s challenging you.  We will focus on solutions.  We will define and work toward your goals.  All with a calm, centered approach that eliminates the patterns and challenges that are getting in your way, at work, at home, in life! You’ll leave our interactions with tools that can be immediately applied to help you move forward.



Calm Your Mind & Build Your Mental Fitness

Ever feel like your mind is running you vs. you running your mind? The world focuses on physical fitness, but what we need now, more than ever is mental fitness. Work with me to calm your mind, and reclaim your life …


Develop & Grow Your High Performing Team

Looking to take your team to the next level? I work with intact teams and their leaders to increase their collaboration, innovation, problem solving, and overall team effectiveness.


Up-Level Your Leadership or Your Life

Are you having the impact you want with your employees? Do you want to take your leadership to the next level personally? Work with me to find the path of ease & flow …

Life is about Giving Gifts and Learning Lessons.

Pamela Hubbard

In every life experience we have a chance to learn and a chance to impact others in our lives in ways that brings lasting positive connection.

When we stop long enough to reflect on HOW we want to be in the world, we get to choose the actions we take.

About Pamela

Click on the link below to learn more about Pamela at

Be Connected Coaching, LLC.

More About Pamela

Get In Touch

  • (513) 317-2744